Thursday, March 31, 2011

For Vanessa (in your focus to reclaim) , and for all of you interested in representations of race, gender, and diversity in mainstream cultural media

We have introduced the consideration of identity within our art practices in a very gentle way. Even a small introduction of a concept into one's being creates pathways of processing within different modes of working, be it the creation of a role or daily exercises that enhance our levels of sensory awareness and vision of self.

I am currently studying the thinking of bell hooks (intentionally lower-cased), a prominent and very important African American female scholar. As we address issues of hierarchy within theatrical and performing arts structures, critical engagement with popular media can reveal the way hierarchy directly impacts our ability to express not only ourselves, but the issues that are relevant to us as individuals and members of various diverse cultures, be they racial, religious, gender or sexuality-based, or economic.

I encourage all of you to check out this video of bell hooks, part 6 of her series "Cultural Criticism", where she discusses Spike Lee and the representation of Black culture in mainstream media. The entire series is worth watching, as she discusses critical engagement as a means of self-transformation in an accessible and inspiring way.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Updated Absence/Tardy policy

Dear Students,

Regardless of your current absence status, please read this as it is a formal class announcement.

I have been advised by the Institute to warn students that 4 absences = failure. 

Additionally, I want to inform you that 3 tardies for my class= 1 absence

Students in the class who hit 3 absences will be notified and given a courtesy warning. Assessment of absences and conversion from unexcused to excused absences will be at the discretion of your department head. I am sorry if my emphasis of the destruction of hierarchy in art practice might have mislead anyone to think that I am capable of denying the course criteria of an accredited institution of higher education. Degrees cannot be conferred unless course and program criteria have been met by graduating students. I do not wish to devalue the legitimacy of your terminal degrees by slackening the rules. You either meet the criteria, or you don't.
The Math:
At this point, we have had 7 classes. If you have missed 3 classes, you have an attendance rate of 57%. If you have missed 2, your attendance is 71%. If you have missed 1, your rate is 81%. This is meant to be a mathematical snapshot to illustrate the spread we have going on in class, which is 57%- 100% attendance.

A note to those with higher attendance rates:
 I am sorry you have to listen to this stuff. I am putting it here for so that this issue maintains transparency and the hard facts are available to all. The attendance rate numbers are useful, because they reflect time spent and strengthen the depth of your practice. Congratulations, and keep up the good work.

A note to those with lower attendance rates:
It's not too late to make a choice about the way you want things to go.

A note to Matthew:
Your situation exists outside of this assessment. When you and the dept decide how you wish to proceed, we hope to see you back with us in some capacity. Meanwhile, the class should take inspiration from you and your stated goals and strive to embody them in the classwork. You are a member of our work group and we are thinking of you.

Thank you all for reading. Please retain this information in order to guide your activites.



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Anatomical resources

Dear Radical Movement members,

Here is a link for your education and enjoyment.  Not for the faint of heart in some cases, but you will be able to detect that a steer away if necessary. The Dream Anatomy site is a good place to start investigating the fascinating realm of anatomy as it relates to subjectivity and shared concepts of material existence.  I find these images to be deeply inspiring, no pun intended. . . .I hope you will, too.

click  the skeleton for Dream Anatomy

Friday, February 11, 2011

Stacy Mini-doc

A short doc (10 min) about my work up until around 2005. Needs an update, but contains work samples, interview and biographical info.

Welcome and a few protocol preferences

Hi everyone, Stacy here. I have started this blog for our class so we can share information and responses when we are not together. I have never done a blog before and I know this one looks pretty ugly as of now, but I hate wasting paper so I thought I might be able to post things for you here such as articles and information that might be useful in your work.

Please check this for updates.

Before I get to business I want to state that I believe this group holds promise for growth during our time together. I can sense your depth and the presence of a good work ethic when we are together. We can go further with this.

Note re: protocol
This has to do with overall lateness and attendance. I urge you to analyze your morning routines in order to reach class promptly. The only excused absences that I am aware of are for the Camino Real cast from this past Monday. Fielding excuses for tardiness does not support my philosophy of hierarchy destruction, therefore I request that you just come into class if you are late without shifting the class focus toward getting my acceptance of an excuse. I do have time after class to hear individual comments, but I do not need to hear these things. My time is valuable and I would rather dedicate my energy to assisting you with our work together. You will be presented with options toward the end of the semester if my records show that you are in danger of falling short of the class criteria due to lateness or absence. This option will not be as helpful to your growth in the same way that rigor and discipline can be, however, and working in harmony with our class schedule offers you a wonderful opportunity to develop rigor. Deepen your relationship to responsibility and you will get much in return.

None of you would show up late for a shoot- please endow our class with the kind of value that you assign to professional opportunities.

Thanks for reading this. I do not anticipate making any more posts of this nature, but will hereafter be gifting you with research and study materials for your archives through this format.
